The Wizard

The Wizard

Sunday, December 20, 2015

It's almost Christmas and some friends came over to test out the new scenario generator and other rules in the game.  We added auto orders to the vehicles as well.  My poor opponent Jorfinn rolled pretty bad at first and assaulted my assault troops which made matters worse.  I smoked his tank in the first turn (total luck!)  So, the game wasn't the best for him.  My objective was to stop this armored vehicle from crossing the board, but I couldn't stop it before the game ended.  After the game, Mike bought a whole army from Khurasan, guess he was impressed with what's going on with the game.  Then, we sat back and used the laser cutter to make some tokens for the game.  Finished up some of the Snapfire tokens and the Overwatch tokens.  I'll post up pictures later.

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